ABS 3D Printing Filament: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re into 3D printing, then you’ve probably heard of ABS filament. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a popular thermoplastic used in various industries due to its high strength and durability. In 3D printing, ABS filament is a preferred material for creating high-quality, durable objects. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into ABS 3D printing filament, exploring how it’s created, its best uses, advantages, disadvantages, impact on the environment and health, and where to get it on go3d.com.au.

How is ABS 3D Printing Filament Created?

ABS 3D printing filament is created through a process called extrusion. In this process, plastic pellets are fed into an extruder where they are heated until they melt. The melted plastic is then pushed through a nozzle to form a filament of the desired diameter. The filament is then cooled and wound onto a spool, ready to be used in 3D printing.

The ABS filament created through this process is known for its high strength and durability. It is also resistant to heat and chemicals, making it a popular choice for creating objects that require these properties.

Best Uses for ABS 3D Printing Filament

ABS 3D printing filament is a popular choice for creating objects that require high strength and durability. It is commonly used in the automotive, aerospace, and industrial manufacturing industries. Some of the most common uses for ABS 3D printing filament include:

  1. Prototyping: ABS filament is an ideal material for creating prototypes of products that need to withstand rigorous testing.
  2. Automotive Parts: ABS filament is used to create parts for cars and trucks due to its strength and heat resistance.
  3. Electronic Housings: ABS filament is commonly used to create housings for electronic devices due to its durability and ability to resist heat.
  4. Toys: ABS filament is also popular in the toy industry due to its durability and ability to withstand rough handling.

What ABS 3D Printing Filament Shouldn’t Be Used For

While ABS 3D printing filament has many advantages, there are some instances where it may not be the best choice. For example:

  1. Food Containers: ABS filament should not be used to create containers for food or beverages as it can leach chemicals into the food.
  2. Medical Implants: ABS filament should not be used to create medical implants as it can cause adverse reactions in the body.
  3. Outdoor Use: ABS filament is not recommended for outdoor use as it is susceptible to UV degradation.

Advantages of ABS 3D Printing Filament

  1. High Strength: ABS filament is known for its high strength and durability, making it an ideal material for creating objects that require these properties.
  2. Heat Resistance: ABS filament can withstand high temperatures, making it an ideal material for creating objects that require heat resistance.
  3. Chemical Resistance: ABS filament is resistant to many chemicals, making it a popular choice for creating objects that come into contact with chemicals.
  4. Easy to Use: ABS filament is easy to use and can be printed on most 3D printers.

Disadvantages of ABS 3D Printing Filament

  1. Warping: ABS filament is known to warp during printing, especially when the printing environment is not well-controlled.
  2. Fumes: ABS filament emits fumes when it is melted, which can be harmful to health if inhaled in large quantities.
  3. Bed Adhesion: ABS filament does not adhere well to printing beds, making it challenging to print large objects.

Impact on the Environment and Health

ABS filament has both positive and negative impacts on the environment and health. On the one hand, ABS filament is

made from non-biodegradable plastic, which means it can contribute to plastic pollution. On the other hand, ABS filament can be recycled, which helps reduce its impact on the environment.

In terms of health, ABS filament emits fumes when it is melted, which can be harmful if inhaled in large quantities. It is recommended to use ABS filament in a well-ventilated area and to avoid prolonged exposure to the fumes.

Where to Get ABS 3D Printing Filament on Go 3D

Go3d.com.au is a popular online store for 3D printing supplies and equipment. They offer a wide variety of ABS 3D printing filaments in different colors and sizes. To find ABS filament on go3d.com.au, follow these steps:

  1. Go to go3d.com.au and click on “Filaments” in the main menu.
  2. Select “ABS” from the list of available filaments.
  3. Browse through the available options and select the ABS filament that meets your needs.
  4. Add the selected filament to your cart and proceed to checkout to complete your purchase.